Casting Process
The casting of metals is one of the oldest known manufacturing processes and is part of the group of primary forming. Whether complex or simple shapes, whether mass production or individual parts – casting technology has the right process for every need.
Since 2017, Cost Control software includes the module Casting Technology. With minimal effort, the user is able to determine the optimum casting method for their product from the point of view of cost.
Croning (mask molding process)
The mask molding process is one of the most accurate casting processes. Unlike the other methods, a complete form is not produced, but only a few millimeters thin form mask. The thickness of the shell mold rarely exceeds 5 mm. Nevertheless, it is particularly characterized by high stability, high dimensional accuracy and low molding sand consumption. In the first step, the sand-resin mixture is poured onto a heated model plate. As a result of heating up to 280 ° C, the mixture melts above the plate and forms a mold mask. The excess molding material can then be removed by tilting. The still very unstable form mask is heated in an oven at 450 ° C and hardens completely. Subsequently, the shell mold halves can be joined, thereby giving the overall shape and are ready for use.
Die cast
In the die casting process, liquid metal is pressed under relatively high pressure into divided, metallic permanent molds. During the casting process, high flow velocities occur in the die before completion of the mold filling. The pressure effect, under which the liquid metal flows at high speed into narrowest cross sections, is decisive for the high-precision contour reproduction.
The process is suitable for large quantities of low-melting metals, such as aluminum and magnesium.
Precision casting
Precision casting, also known as wax-melting, has proven to be particularly suitable for filigree components made of difficult to handle materials. For the process, a mother mold is made of wax. The cooled wax molds are mounted on a model tree and then immersed in a ceramic mass (slip). Immediately afterwards the form is sanded. This process is repeated several times, usually seven to ten times, depending on the component size. The wax is melted out in the next step. After firing the mold, the material is poured into the ceramic mold. To remove the components, the ceramic mold is destroyed.
Chill casting
As a mold, a metallic permanent form is described, which is used again and again. Due to the high thermal load of the mold, particularly low-melting materials such as aluminum, zinc and magnesium are suitable for this process.
Sand casting
Sand casting involves casting in machine- or hand-shaped quartz sand molds. A binder of clay gives the form the required strength. Cores are used for cavities. The method has the advantage that the casting models can be made relatively easily and inexpensively and can be changed quickly. It is particularly suitable for the production of prototypes, complex components and for small and medium series. Sand casting is one of the casting processes with so-called “lost forms”.
The injection molding process is one of the main production processes in the processing of plastics. In this manufacturing process, the material is first brought into a flowable state in an injection molding machine – the so-called “plasticizing”. The plasticized material is injected by axial feed of the screw in the injection mold. The workpiece cools in the tool until it can be removed without deformation.
Manfred Esser
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