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With 14 awards in seven years for the analysis tool Cost Control, Kloepfel Engineering is one of the quality leaders among the product cost calculation tools.

Between 2012 and 2017, Cost Control was awarded the Innovation Prize IT by Initiative Mittelstand every year.

The “Best Consultants” seal of approval, awarded by the business magazine brand eins and the statistics portal Statista, was given to the Kloepfel Engineering Team in 2014,2015 and 2016. The only representative study in the management consultancy sector selects from 15,000 consultancies the best ones in Germany and the Cost Control tool already pays tribute for the third time.

Cost Control received its fifth award in spring 2014 with the “Industry Prize 2014 – Best of”. In spring 2015 Cost Control was again awarded the industry prize “Best of” – the sixth award in a row. And also in 2017 it was said again: Cost Control belongs to the best and was honoured for the third time with the industry award best-of seal.

The year 2018 has also started successfully for Kloepfel Engineering: with the 13th and 14th awards, the industry prize Best-of and the Best-of seal of the innovation prize IT from Huber Verlag for new media, the product cost calculation software is one of the most award-winning tools on the market.

“The most important indicators of our success are not only the satisfaction of our employees and customers, but also our recommendations. Here success speaks for itself. Since 2009, Cost Control and the Kloepfel Engineering Team have worked for approximately 250 companies,” explains Manfred Esser, Managing Director of Kloepfel Engineering GmbH. “We would like to take this opportunity to thank our employees and customers”.


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