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Technical purchasing

Kloepfel Engineering GmbH / Services / Technical purchasing

Technical purchasing

Quality up & costs down

The true production costs of your suppliers

What are the real product costs to suppliers? Can the product be produced more cheaply? What are the cost drivers? Cost Control software provides fast answers to these key questions.

The software makes the manufacturing costs of products 100% transparent regardless of their suppliers, no matter whether the products are large machines, machine components, robots or ceiling lights.

This allows purchasers to understand if suppliers’ prices are sustainable. Forming part of value analysis, engineers take apart products, such as large machines, virtually or actually into their individual parts. From the gearbox to the bolt.

In this way, you can work with suppliers to provide an open calculation, thereby also establishing a more sustainable partnership. It is possible to support your supplier become more competitive using Cost Control. Additionally, your bargaining position may be strengthened through more knowledge, realizing optimal purchasing conditions on the market.


Manfred Esser


P +49 211 994 596 75
M +49 172 215 44 22

Don’t talk about prices any longer, talk about costs!

Precise product cost optimization with one of the most frequently awarded product cost calculation tools

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